Dreamforce 2023: Elevating B2B and Manufacturing Sales Presented by Zaelab and Threekit

Dreamforce 2023 promises to be inspiring. Between 1,500 sessions and 75+ thought leaders, this event boasts commerce learning opportunities for every attendee. Zaelab is thrilled join industry leader and partner Threekit to host an exciting session on revolutionizing the way that B2B manufacturing companies sell their products online.

In a world where digital transformation is key to staying competitive, the Zaelab and Threekit partnership is a game-changer. It's all about enabling businesses to deliver exceptional online buying experiences, streamline operations, and ultimately sell more. Dreamforce 2023 is your chance to see it in action and discover how your business can benefit from this innovative partnership.

Join us on September 13th at 11 am, and head over to 654 Mission Street to witness firsthand how this collaboration is reshaping the future of B2B and manufacturing sales.

Selling Highly Configurable Products Online

Threekit has built a platform for helping B2B Manufacturing businesses sell configurable products online. The composable Threekit Platform helps buyers get inspired to know they are in the right place before engaging them with accurate visual configuration and convinces them of their choice with real-time pricing, dimensions, layouts and more. After ordering, Threekit can pass on valuable information like CAD and manufacturing specs as well as bill of materials and assembly instructions. It’s all part of breaking down the barriers between your buyer and your product so that buyers can navigate and self-service, supercharging your sales & engineering teams to do more.

Combining Threekits' robust immersive platform with Zaelab's unparalleled B2B expertise, this winning partnership enables businesses to sell highly complex products online with a buyer experience that is engaging, convincing, and easier to fulfill post-order.

Discover more about our partnership with Threekit. Book an executive briefing on site with us at Dreamforce.